Michigan Crop Progress: Dry Conditions Impacting Crops

Heat Challenging Corn Crop Whether the Feet are Wet or Dry-media-1

The latest USDA Crop Progress report for Michigan is indicating where it’s been dry, it continues to be dry. The state has experienced spotty showers in some areas, and others have received more than adequate precipitation.

Throughout the state, 44 percent of the top soil moisture and 47 percent of the subsoil moisture continues to be short to very short.

Conditions for corn and soybeans continues to be poor in those drier areas, but irrigated fields are doing better. 45 percent of Michigan’s corn and soybean crops are rated good to excellent.

Most hay producers are on their second cutting of hay, compared to four cuttings this time last year.

Peppers and sweet corn continue to be harvested, and carrots are making strong progress as well. As for apples, growers were harvesting early apple varieties.

80 percent of Michigan’s dry beans are setting pods, 90 percent behind the 5-year average.

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