Corteva Launches a New Option for Weed Control


A new option for weed control will hit the market for 2025 from Corteva. Nick Burke, U.S. Corn Herbicides Product Manager for Corteva, says Resicore® REV herbicide will provide corn farmers a strong start to their weed control programs, thanks to multiple benefits.

“Resicore® REV herbicide combines three powerful active ingredients, plus supercharged mixing and handling, pumped up flexibility, and boosted crop safety. This high-performance premix will put the brakes on more than 75 of the toughest broadleaf and grass weeds, giving farmers the peace of mind that comes with clean cornfields, while revving up their yield potential.”

Burke says those tough weeds include the difficult, resistant weeds we often deal with here in the Midwest like palmer amaranth, waterhemp, marestail, and giant ragweed. Resicore REV herbicide can be applied on corn up to 24-inches tall and offers up to eight weeks of residual activity.

“Resicore REV herbicide can be applied pre-plant, pre-emergence or post-emergence and can be used on traited corn or conventional corn, as well as on reduced- and no-till acres. Additionally, the premix is compatible with a wide variety of tank-mix partners and is formulated for increased crop safety with an encapsulated acetochlor. All these benefits will allow corn farmers to tailor their weed control programs to better fit their acres, leading to maximum yield potential.”

Resicore REV herbicide will be available for the 2025 growing season. Visit their website to learn more.

Source: NAFB News Service

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