Corn, Soybean Planting Moving Along; Keep an Eye Out for Wheat Disease

Planting progress is moving along in Central Michigan. Pioneer agronomist Chris Bauer tells us that corn and soybean planting has taken off since we last spoke a few weeks ago.

“Overall, we’ve made some really good progress in most of the area. I mean, there are some areas probably getting closer to 75% to 80% and then there are others, some pockets, that are probably still below 50%, but I think they can get a good push here hopefully this week yet. So, it’s still kind of regionalized- who’s getting the rain because rains are still kind of spotty, but overall, we’ve made some good progress.”

We focus a lot on corn and soybean planting progress this time of year, and rightfully so, but Bauer wants to make sure we don’t forget about our wheat crop that’s out there. We’re starting to see some diseases crop up like stripe rust. Bauer provides tips for handling those wheat diseases in the full interview below.

If you have any questions for Bauer or any of your Pioneer representatives, visit

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