Crop Conditions Hold Steady Despite Strong Storms

Field Crops
Hot and humid weather resulted in widespread storms accompanied by significant precipitation across most areas of the State, according to Marlo D. Johnson, Director of the Great Lakes Regional Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service.

There were 4.6 days suitable for fieldwork in Michigan during the week ending August 15, 2021. Drought conditions continued to decrease last week with only 2 percent of the State now reported in moderate to severe drought.

The most persistently dry areas continue to be the eastern half of the Upper Peninsula and the counties surrounding Saginaw Bay in the eastern central Lower Peninsula.

Hay producers worked towards completion of second cuttings as conditions allowed. Third cuttings were in full swing as progress advanced well ahead of schedule.

Some crop damage was reported following violent storms last week although the full extent of damage is yet to be discovered. Other activities included crop scouting, hay hauling, and mid-season equipment maintenance

National Crop Progress

Silking: 100%
Dough: 59%
Dented: 5%
76% G/E

Setting pods: 92%
75% G/E

Mature: 84%
Harvested: 28%
64% G/E

Dry Beans
Setting pods: 93%
58% G/E

Mature: 95%
Harvested: 63%

62% G/E

Range and pasture
62% G/E

Spotted wing Drosophila and brown marmorated stink bug numbers increased last week. Early season peach harvest began in the Northwest. Later season varieties like Canadian Harmony, Loring and PF17 were harvested in the Southwest. Fruit size and flavor was excellent across the State.

Recent moisture helped to size apples. Apples were beginning to color. San Jose scale increased substantially last week. Some apple varieties like McIntosh, were anticipated to begin harvest sooner than normal while others like Jonathan and Red Delicious, were anticipated to begin a bit later than normal.

Blueberry harvest was moving quickly. Jersey harvest wound down in the Southwest and Elliott harvest began there. Fruit size was excellent.

Hot and humid weather characterized this week as producers throughout the State were setting up their farm stands. Foliar issues were detected in pumpkins and carrots, while downy mildew was present in cucumbers and melons. Disease presence remained at a modest level for tomatoes but increased substantially in asparagus farms, which were also experiencing above average insect activity when compared to recent years. Some sweet corn fields also displayed evidence of insect presence. Producers were applying fungicide and insecticide covers where necessary in order to protect their vegetable crops.

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