AFBF: Michigan Farm Bureau Members Accept Leadership Roles on National Committees

Just over 20% of Americans who serve as volunteers nationwide share their expertise as members of boards or committees, according to AmeriCorps. This commitment to step up and serve helps shape the direction of organizations they care about, as Farm Bureau volunteer leaders demonstrate year after year.

The American Farm Bureau Federation recently appointed farmer and rancher members to the organization’s Promotion & Education and Young Farmers & Ranchers committees.

“Continuing to engage with consumers to build trust and share the story of agriculture is an important part of national program committee work, especially now as farmers and ranchers are still farming during the pandemic,” said AFBF President Zippy Duvall. “We applaud the commitment of these newly appointed Farm Bureau members.”

Duvall announced the appointments of Alan Clark, Idaho (cattle and crops) and Paula Peterson, Nebraska (cattle and crops) to two-year terms on the P&E Committee starting in March 2021. The following members of the P&E Committee were reappointed for two-year terms starting in March 2021: Andrea Brossard, Wisconsin (dairy and beef cattle);  Heather Lang, North Dakota (small grains and hogs); Stacey Lauwers, Michigan (alfalfa, soybeans and wheat); and Barbara Rogers-Scharneck, Massachusetts (greenhouse and crops).

The P&E Committee is comprised of 10 individuals representing qualifying Farm Bureau Promotion & Education states. Its mission is to “Inspire. Equip. Collaborate.”

Duvall announced the appointment of the following members to the YF&R Committee for the 2021-2023 term beginning in March: Tanner and Kerre Clark, Missouri (beef cattle); Drew DeSutter, Illinois (corn, soybeans and beef cattle); Charlie and Casey Ellington, Ohio (beef cattle, swine, poultry and hay); Justin and Allison McKain, Indiana (soybeans); Jarad Plair, Florida (sugar cane); Eric and Alisha Schwertner, Texas (cotton, wheat, sorghum and corn); Brenda Sisung, Michigan (corn, soybeans, wheat and beef cattle); and Kyle and Jessica Wade, Idaho (beef cattle and pasture).

The YF&R Committee is comprised of 16 positions representing all regions of the U.S. An individual or couple may hold each committee appointment. Committee members are responsible for program planning, which includes the coordination of YF&R competitive events during AFBF’s convention each January, and the Harvest for All program.

National committee members are nominated by their respective state Farm Bureaus. Learn more online: Promotion & Education, and Young Farmers & Ranchers,

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