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Ukraine Facing Grain Storage Crunch

A sharp fall in exports resulting from the Russian invasion is causing a significant shortage of storage facilities in Ukraine for the 2022-2023 season.

Analyst APK-Inform says that Ukraine is getting forced to export grain by train over its western border or from smaller ports along the Danube River. They also say that Ukraine’s exports may total just 45.5 million tons of the 2021 record-harvest total of 86 million tons.

Reuters says grain and oilseed stocks at the end of the current season may reach an all-time high of 21.3 million tons. That volume is 4.2 times higher than in the previous season and won’t allow Ukraine to release a significant share of its storage capacity for any new harvest that comes in.

Ukraine is typically a major grain and oilseed grower for the world, but exports have dropped sharply. Ukraine exported 763,000 tons in April compared to 2.8 million tons at the same time last year.