
Are Soybean Yields Still As Variable As When Harvest Began? | Michigan Ag Today
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Are Soybean Yields Still As Variable As When Harvest Began?

YIELD CHECK specialty 1000

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Earlier in harvest, we heard varying reports of soybean yields. Now that we’re about to the halfway mark, are these reports of yield variability lessening?

“They’ve actually been all over the board,” said Dan Cable, field sales representative with Specialty Hybrids. “They planted an early maturity bean which most people like to do so they can get started on harvest. Those are the ones that are really hurting in the yield department because of the lack of moisture.”

Cable tells a familiar story—the lack of precipitation in August took a toll on earlier planted soybeans.

“The later beans are doing a little bit better,” he said. “They got some rain, and the beans were still green, so at leas the beans that were set on the plant were able to grow. We got some good size out of them and that’s made the yields a little better on these later beans.”

He said that if growers are in an area where they can plant a fuller-season soybean, they might consider that for next season.

“Since beans are triggered by day length, they would get a little bigger and bushier, then they would flower later and blossom,” said Cable. “Then they would still be maturing after the point we started getting rain again. You could have some April-planted beans or first of May beans that are going to yield better simply because it was a later maturity. That’s what we would recommend to most our customers—you should spread out your maturities of what you’re planting.”

This Yield Check update is made possible by Specialty Hybrids, it’s your field, our Specialty. Find your local field sales representative and yield results online at