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Farm Bureau Foundation Providing Learning-at-Home Resources


Credit: John Morgan / CC BY 2.0

The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture has resources available for at home learning. The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture online resources offer quick and easy ways for children to learn about agriculture.

Julia Recko, Foundation Education Outreach Director, says the Foundation developed new resources because parents and teachers are looking for ways to provide learning at home during the coronavirus pandemic.

“We wanted to make sure that we had resources available to them that cover topics in agriculture,” she said. “We offer weekly themes. We’ve done ‘Who is a farmer?’, and apples, and next week we are going to cover the topic of popcorn. Each week we try to do something with reading and science, sometimes math or art.”

Recko said the Foundation offers resources for all grade levels.

“A lot of the Foundation’s resources focus on elementary learning. We do offer middle and high school suggestions as well,” she said. “If you go to our At Home Learning page, the top has our weekly learning ideas. But if you scroll down, you’ll see options for games and lesson plans and videos and things you can print out. And some of those are particularly created for fifth through 12th grade.”

Through the online resources, kids can ask questions about agriculture.

“One really fun resource that we have is called Kid’s Questions about Agriculture where students, through their parent or teacher, can submit questions that they have about agriculture,” said Recko. “Someone submitted the question, ‘If I plant the seeds from my apple will I get an apple tree?’ And you might be surprised by that answer and we created a video from a real apple farmer to answer that questions. We’re getting some really fun and interesting information about agriculture out to folks through these resources.”

Find the resources online at